Thursday, November 02, 2006

29.8% of Windows XP users consider a move to Linux over Vista

A recent poll shows a good percentage of *tech-savvy* XP users considering a move to Linux over an upgrade to Vista. It seems Microsoft are pushing users away with more looking at using Linux than legally upgrading.

- The headline is a little misleading. The article specifies "tech-savvy" users. This is still a very good thing. Maybe Vista will be known as the operating system that ushered in the age of the mainstream Linux desktop. Ubuntu is waiting with open arms.

read more | digg story


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Vista might be the last straw for a lot of windows users.

Linux is really going to be attractive to people who have invested a lot of money in PC hardware. Apple is gong to be very attractive to the grandmothers & arty types too, once Vista is upon us. Look for a mass exodus.

You know, the elephant in the room with Microsoft is their crushing bureaucracy. I'd bet that after Vista flops they'll spin off a smaller company a'la GM/Saturn, and try to get it right with less people and more creativity.

my $.02 ...

thlinux said...

Do you think it will be the old Saturn? You know, rubbermade doors and no style? Or the new Saturn where everyone looks and can't believe that's a Saturn? I prefer the new one. Maybe "Hey is that Windows?". Wow! no registry and it works?